Invest in THE Israeli STOCK MARKET



 Considering investing on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange..

The Israeli economy has captured the attention and admiration of the world’s most astute investors, including Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Elon Musk.

Known for its rapid growth, innovation, and resilience, Israel shines in fields like technology, healthcare, and renewable energy. This vibrant economic landscape is mirrored in the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE), a hub for companies leading the charge in ground breaking industries.

Why Invest in TASE specifically?

TASE offers a unique investment landscape, distinguished by:

  • Diverse Portfolio Expansion. Ideal for those looking to diversify their investments on a global scale. –
  • High-Growth Opportunities: Israel’s emphasis on research and development fuels a dynamic environment of startups and IPOs, promising lucrative returns. –
  • Investor Protection: A regulatory framework ensuring transparency and governance, aligning with top global exchange standards. 
  • is proud to partner with Wise Money Israel, a Registered Investment Advisor in both the U.S. and in Israel.
  • Whether you’re interested in a premium managed account starting at $50,000, or a semi-managed Israeli TASE ETF account from $25,000, Wise Money Israel is eager to connect with global investors like you.

Why Choose Wise Money Israel when investing in the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange?

  • Israel Securities Authority Registered Portfolio Manager: Licensed to manage clients from around the world.
  • Licensed to manage U.S. client portfolios, including IRA accounts, on the Interactive Brokers platform. –
  • Simple account setup with expert support
  • Launch your Israeli stock investment account electronically in under 20 minutes.

Submit your details here to speak with a Wise Money Israel representative.

Their professional team will discuss your investment capacity, and should you decide to go ahead, support you through setting up a managed fund on the TASE.

Register your interest with Wise Money Israel today

Disclaimer; does not provide financial advice or guidance. We connect international investors with accredited investment professionals in Israel that are qualified and experienced in supporting internationals to invest in Israeli capital market, the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.


The TASE has played a leading role in Israel’s phenomenal economic growth.


Israel’s economy is one of the most resilient and vibrant economies in the world, largely avoiding the 2009 world recession, remaining stable since.

All three international credit rating agencies have upgraded Israel multiple times over recent years.


Israel is one of the leading magnets for R&D investment. In fields as diverse as information technology, water conservation, counter-terrorism, medical breakthroughs, cyber security, disaster relief and more

Talented Workforce

Israel boasts the world’s highest concentration of engineers and scientists per capita, and is ranked second in the OECD nations for post-graduate education. This drive for excellence fuels Israel’s economic development.

Flexibility & Variety

Israel’s capital markets offer opportunities for everyone: the long-term investor that seeks to support Israeli innovation, whilst seeking a long term view of investment.


If you are serious about taking the next steps in living in Israel, then submit your details at Wise Money Israel

NOTE does not make investment recommendations to you, nor do we provide tax advice. No communications through this website or any other medium should be construed as an investment recommendation. If you have any questions with respect to legal, financial or tax matters relevant to your interactions with, you should consult a professional adviser. With all investments, your capital is at risk. The value of your investment may go down as well as up. Your investment is not covered by the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) or any other compensation scheme. is a website that facilitates a community of investors, and is not FCA regulated. UK investors should seek advice from your professional financial adviser before undertaking an investment.

All of the Israeli professional investment advisory firms that we affiliate with are regulated by the Israel Securities Authority, the ISA, which is Israel’s closest equivalent of the UK’s Financial Services Authority.

All of the firms have a portfolio of international private investors as clients, predominantly but not limited to the United States and the United Kingdom.