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by belight | Dec 19, 2018 | London Stock Exchange | 0 comments

Israeli companies listed on the london stock exchange

Despite its small stature, the developed market is a tech and healthcare powerhouse. A powerhouse that is growing by leaps and bounds. For investors, Israel, the often ignored nation could be one of the brightest spots on the map. –


Last year it was announced by Israel’s Ambassador to the UK, that bilateral trade between the UK and Israel rose by 25 per cent in 2017 to a record £6.9 billion, at trend that analysts predict will continue.

Despite having only around 8.7 million residents, and a land mass not much bigger than the size of Wales, the ‘scale-up nation’ has emerged as a desirable investment destination.

One consensus to the reason behind Israel’s success; a relentlessness dedication to bring fast-growing disruptive technology businesses beyond the boundaries of geography. Western nations trade relatively easily with their neighbors, whilst Israel does not yet have that privilege. With such geopolitical challenges, and a relatively small domestic market, Israeli entrepreneurs are forced to plan for commercial success at an international level.

On average the nation invests more than 5 per cent of GDP back into Research & Development initiatives, much more than Western nations. Private venture capital spending in Israel is also on the top of the world’s list. 


Winston Churchill said “let our advanced worrying become advanced thinking and planning”. A UK government issued White Paper identified Israel as a trade priority for post-Brexit Britain because of the potential synergies between Israel’s high levels of innovation and British strengths in design, business growth and finance, as well as the UK’s own high-technology, scientific and institutional strengths.

There are now at least 337 Israeli tech companies operating in the UK. Figures from the British Embassy in Israel show a 33 per cent growth in the value of their investments in the year following the UK’s EU membership referendum result. While the increase was only from £114m to £152m, the number of new investors has been sustained, and their investments climbed in value to £298m in the year to June 2018. This also resulted in a 12.8 per cent increase in jobs created in the UK.


Listed by Market Capitalisation, value varies from day to day, so should be taken as approximates and not actual value. Share trading available from Hargreaves Lansdown.

1 – PLAYTECH PLC | Gambling | Market Cap $b 1.6

2 – PLUS500 LTD | Investment Services | Market Cap $m 1,739

3 – 888 HOLDINGS PLC | Gambling | Market Cap $m 652

4 – PPHE HOTEL GROUP LD | Hotels | Market Cap $m  719.7

5 – SUMMIT GERMANY LIMITED | Real Estate Holdings |  Market Cap $m 517

6 – SAFECHARGE INTERNATIONAL GROUP LTD | Financial Administration | Market Cap $m 414

7 – XLMEDIA PLC | Media Agency | Market Capital  $m 164.6

8 – TAPTICA INTERNATIONAL LTD | Media Agency | Market Cap $m 130.

9 – TELIT COMMUNICATIONS PLC | Telecommunications Equipment | Market Cap $m 160

10- BCRE BRACK CAPITAL REAL EST INV NV | Real Estate Holding & Development |Market Cap $m 159

11 – KAPE TECHNOLOGIES (formerly Crossrider PLC) | Software | Market Cap $m 142

12 – BATM ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS LD | Telecommunication Equiptment | Market Cap $m 191.7

13 – AFI DEVELOPMENT PLC | Telecommunications Equipment| Market Cap $m 199.5

14 – LIVERMORE INVESTMENTS GROUP LD | Specialists Finance | Market Cap $m 71.68

15- MATOMY MEDIA GROUP LTD | Media Agencies | Market Cap $m 7.21.

16 – AMIAD WATER SYSTEMS LD | Industry Machinery | Market Cap $m 49.86

17 – B.S.D CROWN LTD | Internet | Market Cap $m 22.4

18 – ALBERT TECHNOLOGIES LTD | Software | Market Cap $m 19.9

19 -TECHFINANCIALS INC | Software | Market Cap $m 4.24

20 – ETHERNITY NETWORKS LD | Telecomms Equipment | Market Cap $m 12

21 – SHEFA YAMIM (A.T.M.) LTD | Diamonds & Gemstones | Market Cap $m 8

22 – MTI WIRELESS EDGE | Telecomms Equipment | Market Cap $m 13.7

23 – SIMIGON LD MTI | Software | Market Cap $m 6..35

24- BAGIR GROUP LTD | Market Cap $m 4.7

25 – STARCOM PLC | Software | Market Cap $m 4.6

26 – PLAZA CENTERS N.V. | Real Estate Holding & Development | Market Cap $m 2

Special thank you to the London Stock Exchange, in particular Justine Zwerling Head of Primary Markets and Christopher Loscher, Press.

#israel #investment #londonstockexchange #aim #stocks #shares #startupnation

More for more:

> Purchasing Israeli Shares on the LSEG is available by opening a Share Dealing Account with Hargreaves Lansdown. Other investment options include Real Estate, Startups via Israeli Equity Crowd investing, and Capital Markets

>Israel Investment Forum LinkedIn Community.

> Israeli Technology companies listed on the London Stock Exchange Part 1/3 ||| Investing in Israel via the London Stock Exchange, Finance and Real Estate companies Part 2/3 |||

> I61collective building opportunities for reconciliation in Israel & the Palestinian Territories and Playing for Peace: Music On The Wind Tour of Israel & Bethlehem 2019 crowdinvesting and the 2018 tour summary.

NOTE; This article does not constitute as investment advice. Investors should review all risks entailed in their investments and make their own investment decisions based on their absolute discretion.

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